The National Union of Local Government Employees - Jobs in Nigeria | Jobplause

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19 August, 2018

The National Union of Local Government Employees

a man reading newspaper
The national Union of Local Government Employees (N.U.L.G.E) is a labour union under the umbrella of the Nigeria Labour Congress. Its members comprise all the staff of the local government i.e. local government employees. 

This union has its branches and offices in all the states of the federation capital territories.

National union of local government employees has national, state and local government executives who see to the interest of its members and also oversee the activities of the members.

In all the local government areas in this country, national union of local government employees has branches established with its executives piloting their affairs at the local levels. 

These local executives report to the state executive who then report back to the national executive.

The union funds are generated from dues deducted from monthly salaries of its members. It is compulsory for every member to pay his or her dues monthly. 

The national union of local government employees can receive some financial patronage and donations as a way of financial support from governmental institutions.

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and other bodies can also give their support to national union of local government employees (N.U.L.G.E) in order to stand very well in the discharge of their duties which also benefits the masses of that local government and the society in general.

Some states government sometimes gives assistance in form of vehicles to provide for taking care of logistics problems of national union of local government employee (N.U.L.G.E).
The functions of NULGE are as follows:
  • It ensures that members comply with the rules and regulations through monitoring of their activities. Where members do not show compliance, they are brought to book according to the provisions of the local government regulations.
  • It co-ordinate the efforts of the local government workers and ensures effective and efficient local government administration.
  • It makes efforts to see that salaries, promotion and fringe benefits of its members are given to them timely. It also sees that there is a reciprocal attitude by members through dedication to their duties.
  • It ensures that the securities of its career officials are guaranteed by refusing to accept posting of state civil servant to it. However, it can permit a formal procedure for inter-service transfer to fill any existing gap at the local government service.
  • It mediates and reconciles both parties where misunderstanding or disagreement occurs between the state and local governments in their functions.
  • They sustain stable local government system by maintaining cordial relations with governments which helps to provide healthy management and labour relations.
  • It checkmates the excesses of some local government chairman who maltreat their employees contrary to stipulated rules and regulations.
  • If collective bargaining fails, it can resort to the use of strike as the last alternative to enforce its will or to get the authorities to listen.

Dispute may arise in the local government council due to non-payment of allowances, salaries and other fringe benefits. The workers may embark on strike to press home their reasons for the payment of these benefits.

In the resolution of the disputes arising from the above, the Nigeria Union of Local Government Employees (NULGE) will negotiate on behalf of the workers.

In resolving disputes, the representatives of the workers union will negotiate with the management, which comprises the chairman and other political appointments.

This is called collective bargaining, during the bargaining compromises are made which can lead to the resolution of the dispute.

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