Objectives of Nigeria Foreign Policy - Jobs in Nigeria | Jobplause

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19 August, 2018

Objectives of Nigeria Foreign Policy

The capacity to carry out independent relations with other sovereign nations within the international system is one of the major characteristics of statehood. 

The main objective of Nigeria foreign policy is to preserve the country national interest with minimal hindrance in an international setting characterized by conflict and co-operation.

At independence in 1960, the Nigeria government gave a broad outline of Nigeria foreign policy objectives situated within the circumference of Nigeria National Interest. These objectives are as follows:
  • The defense of the country sovereignty, national independence and territorial integrity.
  • The creation of the national economic and political conditions to secure the government, territorial integrity and national independence of other African countries and their total liberation from imperialism and all forms of foreign domination.
  • Creation of the necessary conditions for the economic, political, social and cultural development of African.
  • Promotion of the rights of all black people and oppressed peoples throughout the world.
  • Promotion of African unity.
  • Promotion of world peace built on freedom, mutual respect and equality of all peoples of the world.
  • Respect for the territorial integrity of all nations
  • Non-partisanship in the east-west ideological disputes and freedom of association and action in the international system.

These where the fundamental principles enunciated  by the first Prime Minister, Sir Abubaka Tafawa Balewa, in his address to the United Nations General Assembly on the occasion of Nigeria’s admission to the world body as the ninety ninth member on October 1960.

As ambiguous as these pronouncements appear, the objectives and principles on which they were found are clear, and subsequent Nigeria Governments have not only accepted them, but have worked towards their overall achievements.

Nigeria political terrain, since independence, has been misunderstanding, and so much political hiccups, which have on several occasions, threatened the existence of the nation. 

Notwithstanding, these frequent changes and threat to corporate nationhood, successive regimes, military and civilians alike have worked hard to uphold these guiding.

In these last several decades of Nigeria’s independence, there has been latent deviation to reflect the idiosyncratic makeup of a new leader. 

This character may found its basis on the socio-cultural and religious orientation of the new leadership and foreign policy elite.

The last five decades have also witnessed monumental changes in the international system which had altered the substance of international relations and conditioned the perception and motives of those involves in the management of foreign policy. 

Despite this situations, the fundamental bases and vitality of Nigeria’s foreign policy attitude since independence has remained largely unchanged.

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